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Varicose veins

Varicose veins and spider veins or small reticular varices are visible on the skin, especially on the lower limbs, and show up from chronic venous insufficiency. The limbs can often be heavy, tired, swollen and sore.

What causes varicose veins or spider veins?

The most common causes of varicos veins are long sitting in the office, long journeys by car or air, lack of exercise and unilateral tension. Varicose veins and spider veins will show up when the vascular walls of the veins cannot withstand the increased pressure in the venous system. The reason is often genetically determined weakness of the connective tissue, which loses its function mostly after the age of 30.

How to prevent the formation of varicose veins?

Vein must work to stay healthy. The role of the veins is to pump the blood from the limbs back to the heart. In doing so, the veins are beeing helped by the leg muscles. Ideal for the proper functioning of the venous system is walking, sports associated with movement such as jogging, trampoline jumping, swimming, cycling or dancing.

Because it is not possible to move all the time, vascular gymnastics helps us with proper blood flow in the veins, which can be done at work, at home, or during long journeys, and provide relief from heavy legs and help the muscle pump in helping the proper blood circulation in the veins. Ideally, the venous circulation is also supported by compression stockings.

1. Stretching

Place the fingertips on your left foot on the chair in front of you. Gently place your weight on this foot by pushing your knee towards your fingertips. Keep your back straight. You can rest your hands on the back of a chair or on the knees while bending your elbows slightly outwards. To stretch the calf muscles, push the heel of the support leg to the floor. After a short break, hold this position for 30 seconda and do the same exercise with your right leg.

Grab the ankle with your hands while standing and guide your heel toward your buttocks. Keep your knee high and pull your buttocks and abdomen. Make sure the foot you are standing on is still partially fixed. If the exercise is performed correctly, you will feel the stretching in the fron area of the thigh of the bent leg.

2. Tip – fingers

Postavte sa rovno za stoličku alebo kreslo. Aby ste sa bezpečne podopreli, držte sa za operadlo. Teraz sa pomaly postavte na špičky pri vystretej chrbtici. Krátko vydržte v polohe na špičkách a potom sa pomaly vráťte do pôvodnej polohy.

3. Heel – circling

Stand straight with your legs parallel and a space between the feet of about the width of your shoulders. Lift your left heel while the toe of your foot remains on the ground. Now slowly turn the foot inwards so that the left heel points towards the tip of the right foot. Then return the heel back to the starting position. Repeat the exercise with the right leg.

4. Swinging with feet

Lie on your back, preferably on a rug or mat. Put your hands on your hips next to your body. Now lift both legs at the same time and stretch them towards the ceiling. The knees may be slightly bent during lifting. Now wipe both tips towards the ceiling and back to the knees. Repeat ten times.

5. Cycling in the air

Place your hands next to your body in a supine position. Bend one leg and support it against the floor. With the other leg, cycle in the air and mimic the movements of the pedals. The leg should move strongly. Take a short break and then continue on the other leg.

6. Toe – heel

Sit relaxing on a chair or armchair. Place the thigh at a right angle to the forelegs and foot in a parallel position. First, place your left toe and right heel on the ground, and then your left toe and right heel. This will train your muscles in the ankle joint.

7. Shaking your legs

Sit straight on the chair. Place your buttocks on the edge of the chair and keep your balance in a stretched position. Now straighten your foot one by one and shake the foot, calf and ankle joint.

Done, you did something good for the blood supply of your limbs :).